Friday, September 29, 2006


Money For Nothing...Really

You like money, don't you?

Well, duh. Right??

I offer everyone who works at home in any legal way a chance to win $50.00USD by submitting a WAHumorous story - any funny event that happened while working at home, directly or indirectly.

You can get your chance (or chances, if you have more than one story to tell) by submitting here.

Or you could tell me why you wouldn't want to do it!

Friday, September 22, 2006


Does Death of Adsense Become You?

Do you even care at all?

Maybe you could care less about Adsense, or maybe you're happy with the little cash trickle it brings. Maybe you could care less that Scott Boulch found another way to make the money he stopped making with Adsense.

If you work at home and aren't quite yet independently wealthy, you should care.

The message of the reports isn't really about Adsense, it's about money. Your money. Particularly, the money you should be making as an additional stream of income.

A lot of home business folks don't realize they can set up and develop more than one source of income. It's the old job trap. Having a job is OK, but thinking it's the only way to make a buck is not OK.

A bunch of streams end up together as a river. Little streams will leave you stuck in the mud. Big streams mean a smooth ride.

Honestly, there's nothing new in the Death of Adsense and Life After Adsense. It's just done more efficiently and in a way most can easily manage with a little work.

No matter what your home business, you need to see for yourself and decide if it works for you. Download both, read them and put some flow in your river!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I Feel So Erma Bombeck

I was starting to fix breakfast for myself this morning after the kids left for school.

For some reason, I glanced up at the kitchen ceiling and the stains thereupon.

Weve been enduring renovations lately and the kitchen and its ceiling are the last on the list. Well no...actually the kitchen and my office are the last on the list. In the past month or so, I've worked in more positions in my cramped, furniture packed office than I ever have experienced for sex. The big difference is I know the work positions are doable.

Anyway, the French toast is frying and those stains are staring right back at me. That's when I suddenly realize the paint and brushes are just a few feet away. Not wanting to take any more time from my online work than absolutely necessary, I grab a can of primer, dab a brush in it and start the Great Kitchen Ceiling Cover Up.

It seemed reasonable enough: I only needed one hand to cook and that left one to paint. Using the stretch-and-splat method while dipping and flipping with the other, I managed to pull off a potentially messy multitasking with only one drop of paint landing on my plate. A strange yet strong sense of accomplishment came over me with that first bite, as well as a faint taste of white latex primer.

Now I can add channeling Erma Bombeck to my list of talents.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Heard The Rumor??

Oh yeah sure, the Net's full of 'em, but this one's almost believable.

Seems some guy named Ted Murphy is paying people to post ads on blogs and they're popping up all over the place! You write a post with a link in it, bam!! Payday.

But the weirdest thing one knows who he is. Or what.

People's imaginations are running wild, reeeeally wild. Some say he's a Russian mobster (named Murphy?? C'mon!) Some say he's not even a he. Now that's just hitting below the belt, folks.

I know that he's actually a Wisconsin cranberry pirate.

His so-called legit operation is a mere front for a scandalous cranberry-smuggling scheme designed to wipe out the Massachusetts cranberry crop.

What comes to mind when you think of cranberries? Big dairy farms with a bunch of dumb cows? Thousands of otherwise responsible adults in a stadium wearing large cheeses on their heads??

Heck no! You think of Massachusetts, right? Pilgrims, Native Americans, nervous turkeys, stuff like that.

He sends his bands of Midwestern henchmen to secretly steal every tart juicy morsel from unsuspecting Massachusetts cranberry bogs under cover of darkness, stuffing their cleverly camoflauging oversized red coats with their ill gotten booty and saying "Hey dere, ya want some cheese? It's real good, dontchaknow!" to distract inquiring witnesses.

The best part, though, is that he's running it all from Florida. Florida!! That's brilliant...who'd ever figure on Florida? That's the orange growing place, so you'd never...HEY!! Oranges go great with cranberries!!! That fiend.

He's running this so-called business under the name ‘The Consumer Generated Advertising Network’ under the name Many bloggers are making many bucks just for posting blog entries.

Remember to look for that tiny "Made In Massachusetts" label on your cranberries. It's a little tougher to see in cranberry sauce, though.

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