Thursday, September 21, 2006


I Feel So Erma Bombeck

I was starting to fix breakfast for myself this morning after the kids left for school.

For some reason, I glanced up at the kitchen ceiling and the stains thereupon.

Weve been enduring renovations lately and the kitchen and its ceiling are the last on the list. Well no...actually the kitchen and my office are the last on the list. In the past month or so, I've worked in more positions in my cramped, furniture packed office than I ever have experienced for sex. The big difference is I know the work positions are doable.

Anyway, the French toast is frying and those stains are staring right back at me. That's when I suddenly realize the paint and brushes are just a few feet away. Not wanting to take any more time from my online work than absolutely necessary, I grab a can of primer, dab a brush in it and start the Great Kitchen Ceiling Cover Up.

It seemed reasonable enough: I only needed one hand to cook and that left one to paint. Using the stretch-and-splat method while dipping and flipping with the other, I managed to pull off a potentially messy multitasking with only one drop of paint landing on my plate. A strange yet strong sense of accomplishment came over me with that first bite, as well as a faint taste of white latex primer.

Now I can add channeling Erma Bombeck to my list of talents.

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