Friday, September 22, 2006


Does Death of Adsense Become You?

Do you even care at all?

Maybe you could care less about Adsense, or maybe you're happy with the little cash trickle it brings. Maybe you could care less that Scott Boulch found another way to make the money he stopped making with Adsense.

If you work at home and aren't quite yet independently wealthy, you should care.

The message of the reports isn't really about Adsense, it's about money. Your money. Particularly, the money you should be making as an additional stream of income.

A lot of home business folks don't realize they can set up and develop more than one source of income. It's the old job trap. Having a job is OK, but thinking it's the only way to make a buck is not OK.

A bunch of streams end up together as a river. Little streams will leave you stuck in the mud. Big streams mean a smooth ride.

Honestly, there's nothing new in the Death of Adsense and Life After Adsense. It's just done more efficiently and in a way most can easily manage with a little work.

No matter what your home business, you need to see for yourself and decide if it works for you. Download both, read them and put some flow in your river!

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