Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Who ARE These Home Business People, Anyway?
According to a readership survey by Home Business magazine, we're just about everybody.
Young, old, single, married, rich, non-rich, and of different educational and experiential backgrounds.
Here's the basic breakdown:
Our average annual household income is $52,300.
Our median age is 40 years old.
More than half of us are married (53.8 percent). Next comes the never married a.k.a. single (22.5 percent) and the formerly married (20.8 percent).
Most of us have had a little college (83.3 percent), whil;e 30.4 percent graduated from a four-year college or more.
42.3 percent of us have kids under the age of 18 living with us.
Hurray, there's hope for us all!!