Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Push Me, Pull You
Ever heard of the Pushmepullyou? I think it was a character in Alice in Wonderland. I could be wrong, it happened before - twice.
It was like a llama with a head at each end and each end, of course, wanting to go in its own direction. What a perfect analogy for many working at home!
You're smack dab in the middle of two formerly separate lives: your work life and your home life. Once upon a time, most likely, the twain never met. You went to work someplace else and then returned home. Repeat as directed.
When you were at work, you knew the reports and charts and jelly doughnuts required your full attention. There were no dirty dishes that needed washing, no undone errands, no soccer practice.
When you returned home, there were all those things and more, but no reports or charts, although maybe a jelly doughnut or two. In both places, you knew what you had to do and did it.
Now you're living two lives at once. The laundry hamper calls your name while you're busy with paperwork or marketing. Clean the bathroom and your sales projections and budget planning scream for attention. Throw in a kid and there's another distraction.
Throw in more kids and it's enough to make you cry.
So waddaya gonna do??
Get back as much of that separation you once knew as you can. I schedule everything, which I hate with a passion. It had to be done,though, so I could cut down on the occasional hysterical fit. I stick several breaks into my work routine and shift my focus for a little while to something un-work related. Often I put the home life stuff off until the end of the day for a change, if I'm really on a roll.
Oh yeah, super important point: When your scheduled work time ends, walk away and stay away. Replies don't come any sooner if you check your e-mail every half hour. All your hard work does not fall to pieces after quitting time. I know from personal experience.
Concentrate on living just one life...yours!!