Monday, October 09, 2006
Columbus Was An Amateur
Today is Columbus Day - the day we in the US celebrate the discovery of America by good ol' CC. The parties, the Columbus carols, sharing a cup of Columbus cheer, Columbus presents and all that.
OK, so he didn't really discover America, just the West Indies and yeah, some Viking came first.
The truth of the matter is he discovered something totally new, unlike anything known before. Like your discovery of working at home.
It's not at all like your previous experience, whether you were employed outside the home or not. Some of what you did before is part of what you're doing now, but most of it is not what you expected.
There's a lot of adjustments to be made and unfamiliar things to learn. Even the language can be different.
You have Columbus beat...he just discovered a new land. You discovered a new world and welcome to it!!