Tuesday, January 11, 2005


The South Beach Method of Working At Home

Today it seems like the whole Internet is in a tizzy.

Google just changed the rules for conducting marketing campaigns through their AdWords program.

In a nutshell, what almost everyone was doing doesn't fly anymore.

There's going to be a lot more effort involved.

On an unrelated(?) note, I've been on the South Beach diet for around eight months. It was hard getting started, but I adjusted to it after a while when I was allowed to eat more foods. Believe it or not, living on meat, eggs, cheese and nuts with a couple of veggies gets old pretty quick. Although I did lose some weight, I did it mostly because a blood test showed my cholesterol and all that stuff was way out of whack.

I know - you're fascinated by all this...

Well, I heard recently that the whole low-carb frenzy is on its way out. Americans being Americans, they're getting tired of not doing whatever they want to do. It seems that supermarket people in the know are saying it'll be over in a little over a year. No more big companies churning out low-carb versions of everything but bottled water. Then no special menus in restaurants.

Any low-carb diehards still remaining will be forced to sneak into health food stores for whatever goodies they can find.

So what the heck AM I talking about?!?

Just this - everything changes, whether you want it to or not. At best, you can learn to roll with it or at worst, give it up altogether.

Change also often brings new opportunities.

Don't waste your time and energy fighting change. Instead, look for the ways it can work in your favor.

It's gonna happen anyway.

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